Three-colors image of the first GLASS-ERS NIRCam data. The image is downloadable from here (credits: D. Paris, INAF-OAR)
We release the reduced images and multi-wavelength catalog of the first JWST NIRCam extra-galactic observations from the GLASS Early Release Science Program, obtained as coordinated parallels of the NIRISS observations of the Abell 2744 cluster.
Images in seven bands (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W, F444W) have been reduced using a customized version of the official JWST pipeline; we removed defects in the raw images using a customised version of the STScI pipeline. We obtain a multi-band catalog by means of forced aperture photometry on PSF-matched images at the position of F444W-detected sources. The catalog is intended to enable early scientific investigations, and it is optimized for faint galaxies; it contains 6368 sources, with limiting magnitude 29.7 at 5sigma in F444W.
We release both images and catalog in order to allow the community to familiarize with the JWST NIRCam data and evaluate their merit and limitations given the current level of knowledge of the instrument.
See Merlin et al. 2022 for detailed information. Please cite the paper if you use the catalog or the images for your research.
The catalog and the images are available for download from here.